Each of our tutors has attended top colleges and universities around the globe. Unlike other online tutoring providers, we don’t ONLY select a tutor, but additionally ensured that every one on our team is passionate about teaching and is highly skilled. They don’t just know the subject, they know how to connect with you, explain complicated ideas, and will be patient and motivating guides for you throughout your tutoring sessions.
My years of experience as a teacher have helped me form a teaching philosophy that guides how I help
Our world class online tutoring system provide all required tools and features at one location for easy navigation
VTIOC’s interactive whiteboard provides the best-in-class tools for online learning. Both students and tutors have access to built-in functions to write, draw, communicate, and navigate. For example, Mathematical tools can be used to write expressions, draw various graphs etc.
We’re continuously improving our tutoring capabilities. Our experts are currently working to integrate our class lessons in the form of recorded videos to make sure they will be available to you whenever needed. You can search for key words taught during the lesson rather than going through the entire video, saving a lot of time.
Tutoring is fundamentally different from class learning. Even the best classroom teachers can never give 100% of their attention to a single student. While sitting in the classroom each student has to stay on track with the class’s pace, which may sometime result in a loss of motivation and higher level of frustration. One-on-One tutoring is the most effective way to help students increase their understanding, performance and results, avoiding those issues faced in class. VTIOC’s One-on-One tutoring is tailored to meet each students learning curve and pace as per their needs and requirements.
Considering not all students are alike, VTIOC was founded on the principle that every student should have tutoring to meet their needs. Our tutors carefully tailor their approach for each student. When you meet with one of our tutors, you won't be listening to them like reading a textbook, and you won't be sitting through some pre-set curriculum: you will be actively learning and working with your tutor to build the knowledge and strategies that work for you to excel.
With our whiteboard, you can join you tutoring sessions from anywhere. You can share your assignments with your tutor, edit together in real time and be productive wherever you are, on any device.
We’re continuously improving our tutoring capabilities. Our experts are currently working to integrate our class lessons in the form of recorded videos to make sure they will be available to you whenever needed. You can search for keywords taught during the lesson rather than going through the entire video, saving a lot of time.
When we say we have the best tutors, we really mean it! Since our tutoring is completely online, we can find the best tutors from all over the globe. Even if you find the best tutor where you live, they're still just the best tutor in your town or in your city. We link the entire globe for the most experienced, dedicated, talented, and inspiring tutors so that you can connect with them from your own living room.
You want results, right? To get the best results, we are committed to providing the best available resources and making learning fun. We also ensure our tutors’ credentials before allowing them to join our team. Our prices are competitive and fair. There are no surprise charges.
A majority of our tutors offer a 100% free tutoring session of 30 minutes, allowing you to judge their method of teaching before making a final decision.
We believe that learning should not be boring, and provide interactive tools so students get involved in their learning environment.
We understand that because of your busy schedule, you may not always have the time to be there when your child needs academic support. VTIOC’s team is available 24/7.
Years of Experience " in Online Education!
If you are passionate about teaching VTIOC is the right platform to join. Our tutoring platform provides a simple, convenient, and flexible way to connect to students all over the world. If interested click on the link below to join now.
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